No use in arguing, you’re my wife! -Being pursued by a male 12 years younger • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-5157605
Chapter 11
This is a locked chapterChapter 11
About This Chapter
It's been a while since we've heard from Washiya, and now she's back in her hotel room. She's in love with a guy who's 12 years younger than her, and she wants to know what kind of guy she'd like to get married to. She asks him if he's fun to be around, and if he can be himself around her. He says he'd be happy to be with someone who is "fun" and "self-centered" . He's thinking about how he'll be able to "be myself around" if he marries her. Washiya's not having any of it. She keeps interrupting him to ask him what's going on, and he keeps interrupting her to ask her what he should do. Finally, she asks him to kiss her.
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No use in arguing, you’re my wife! -Being pursued by a male 12 years younger • Chapter 11 • Page ik-page-5157605
Chapter 11
This is a locked chapterChapter 11
About This Chapter
It's been a while since we've heard from Washiya, and now she's back in her hotel room. She's in love with a guy who's 12 years younger than her, and she wants to know what kind of guy she'd like to get married to. She asks him if he's fun to be around, and if he can be himself around her. He says he'd be happy to be with someone who is "fun" and "self-centered" . He's thinking about how he'll be able to "be myself around" if he marries her. Washiya's not having any of it. She keeps interrupting him to ask him what's going on, and he keeps interrupting her to ask her what he should do. Finally, she asks him to kiss her.
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