Back in Tokyo, Haruki finds a childhood friend, a woman he used to know back in the day. Haruki asks her to throw away the present he gave her, but she refuses to do so, saying that it was a gift from her husband. They have a drink together, and Haruki tells her that he just returned from a year's absence from Tokyo and that things between him and her have "flipped out." Haruki says that he has some work to do at home, but that they may meet again at the pub.
Back in Tokyo, Haruki finds a childhood friend, a woman he used to know back in the day. Haruki asks her to throw away the present he gave her, but she refuses to do so, saying that it was a gift from her husband. They have a drink together, and Haruki tells her that he just returned from a year's absence from Tokyo and that things between him and her have "flipped out." Haruki says that he has some work to do at home, but that they may meet again at the pub.