In this short scene, the audience is introduced to a new character, a young man named Aroku. Aroku is a hot-tempered young man who has just returned from a trip to the Galapagos Islands. He has just arrived at the Galapagos, where he has been sent by his superiors to find his way back to the mainland. He is very excited about the prospect of returning to his native land, but he is also worried about the safety of his new home and his fellow travelers. He also worries about the fact that Aroku's presence in the Galapagos will make it more difficult for him to return to his homeland. Awaking in the middle of the night, Aroku wonders if he will ever be able to make it back to his home country. He wonders if it will be possible for him and Aroku to live together in the same house, and he wonders if they will ever have children. He worries that if they do,
In this short scene, the audience is introduced to a new character, a young man named Aroku. Aroku is a hot-tempered young man who has just returned from a trip to the Galapagos Islands. He has just arrived at the Galapagos, where he has been sent by his superiors to find his way back to the mainland. He is very excited about the prospect of returning to his native land, but he is also worried about the safety of his new home and his fellow travelers. He also worries about the fact that Aroku's presence in the Galapagos will make it more difficult for him to return to his homeland. Awaking in the middle of the night, Aroku wonders if he will ever be able to make it back to his home country. He wonders if it will be possible for him and Aroku to live together in the same house, and he wonders if they will ever have children. He worries that if they do,