In this short scene, we get a glimpse into the life of a young man named Nachiyo, who is engaged to a woman named Yukushima. The couple was supposed to be engaged for a long time, but the engagement fell through because of the " thud" and "slop" of the engagement ring. The young man, however, is not happy about the situation. He feels that he is the one who is getting dumped, so he is not able to talk about breaking the engagement up. He is grateful to the young woman for coming to his hotel the day of the wedding and for being there for him throughout the whole time. He asks her to continue to be his companion for the rest of the episode.
In this short scene, we get a glimpse into the life of a young man named Nachiyo, who is engaged to a woman named Yukushima. The couple was supposed to be engaged for a long time, but the engagement fell through because of the " thud" and "slop" of the engagement ring. The young man, however, is not happy about the situation. He feels that he is the one who is getting dumped, so he is not able to talk about breaking the engagement up. He is grateful to the young woman for coming to his hotel the day of the wedding and for being there for him throughout the whole time. He asks her to continue to be his companion for the rest of the episode.