In the palace of the emperor, the young man tries to find out what's going on between the two of them. He's worried that the emperor is planning to kill him. The young man tells him that he's been haunted by nightmares and that he feels that he has failed him. He asks if the emperor has planned to usurp power, and the general replies that he had fallen in love with the young woman. The general then asks if she's still laughing at the stupidity of her mother, who hanged herself after being accused of adultery by the emperor's father. The prince tells the prince that he can't forgive the emperor and his father because they ruined his family, but the prince still enjoys being emperor and having him by his side.
In the palace of the emperor, the young man tries to find out what's going on between the two of them. He's worried that the emperor is planning to kill him. The young man tells him that he's been haunted by nightmares and that he feels that he has failed him. He asks if the emperor has planned to usurp power, and the general replies that he had fallen in love with the young woman. The general then asks if she's still laughing at the stupidity of her mother, who hanged herself after being accused of adultery by the emperor's father. The prince tells the prince that he can't forgive the emperor and his father because they ruined his family, but the prince still enjoys being emperor and having him by his side.