The next morning, the general arrives at the palace. He tells the general that the emperor fears him because he has stumbled upon a private matter. The general tells him that the man is Lanzhou, a close relative of the emperor, and that he has been invited to visit the emperor at his mansion in five days. Lanzhou is a distinguished visitor, and he is known to be good-looking. He asks the general to help him find out when Lanzhou reached the capital, and the general agrees.
The next morning, the general arrives at the palace. He tells the general that the emperor fears him because he has stumbled upon a private matter. The general tells him that the man is Lanzhou, a close relative of the emperor, and that he has been invited to visit the emperor at his mansion in five days. Lanzhou is a distinguished visitor, and he is known to be good-looking. He asks the general to help him find out when Lanzhou reached the capital, and the general agrees.