The next morning, the two of them go to work, and the first thing that comes to mind is the fact that they're sharing a bed. The two are both hungry, so they eat a lot of food. Uncle zhou takes the opportunity to explain that the building belongs to a company called Longyu, which is part of the same feng-ya group that owns the building. He also tells the two that they can call each other when they need her, which makes them think of each other in a totally different way. When they arrive at the office, they find that it's someone named "Qi yue" .
The next morning, the two of them go to work, and the first thing that comes to mind is the fact that they're sharing a bed. The two are both hungry, so they eat a lot of food. Uncle zhou takes the opportunity to explain that the building belongs to a company called Longyu, which is part of the same feng-ya group that owns the building. He also tells the two that they can call each other when they need her, which makes them think of each other in a totally different way. When they arrive at the office, they find that it's someone named "Qi yue" .