After qi yue goes invisible, a girl in black rushes forward. His plan was to make the girl attract the attention of the enemy. The layout of the third floor of the facility is like "a labyrinth" . Just then, the unexpected happens . The girl screams. She's so strong that she can't hurt anyone. She screams because she's dying to know what kind of girl she would be if she were a wolf, a leopard, or some other kind of animal. She also screams because there's nothing in the food for her if she dies. She cries because she wants to find out if a wolf girl or a leopard girl would taste as good as she does. The two of them start fighting. The green fairy runs up to them and says that they have common ground to fight together. He says that he's going to show them the weapons that they made specially to deal with them. He also says that if they were in a forest, he'd have to pay a lot of money to study their anatomy. But before that, he says, he can do whatever he wants to them.
After qi yue goes invisible, a girl in black rushes forward. His plan was to make the girl attract the attention of the enemy. The layout of the third floor of the facility is like "a labyrinth" . Just then, the unexpected happens . The girl screams. She's so strong that she can't hurt anyone. She screams because she's dying to know what kind of girl she would be if she were a wolf, a leopard, or some other kind of animal. She also screams because there's nothing in the food for her if she dies. She cries because she wants to find out if a wolf girl or a leopard girl would taste as good as she does. The two of them start fighting. The green fairy runs up to them and says that they have common ground to fight together. He says that he's going to show them the weapons that they made specially to deal with them. He also says that if they were in a forest, he'd have to pay a lot of money to study their anatomy. But before that, he says, he can do whatever he wants to them.