In this chapter, the young man is introduced to his master, who has been living in the valley for many years. The young man explains that he is the core of an array, or "organ" of the valley, and that he must leave the valley to escape. He explains that every twenty years, a disciple of guan tian joins the society and roams around the world. This disciple must be from guantian guan, because he is a member of the elite society. .
In this chapter, the young man is introduced to his master, who has been living in the valley for many years. The young man explains that he is the core of an array, or "organ" of the valley, and that he must leave the valley to escape. He explains that every twenty years, a disciple of guan tian joins the society and roams around the world. This disciple must be from guantian guan, because he is a member of the elite society. .