In this short scene, Hirokazu's friend, Hinata, and her husband, Hiroyuki, are having lunch at a cafe. Hinata tells her husband that she has a patient who has cancelled her appointment with the doctor, and Hiroyuki tells her that he will see her next week. Hiroyuki then tells Hinata that his wife has gone back to work, but that there are still no customers at the cafe. When Hinata asks if there is a rubber band for her to tie her hair up, she is told that it is for giving to children who come to the salon to get their hair scrunched up. She also tells him that her husband has no luck getting women to come to his salon. He was a student at an all-boy's school, she says, and she was very sur-prescribed when he brought her to live with him and his wife. She then tells him about her brother, who is a bit older than she is, and how they do not get along very well. When she asks him if he is married, he says that his family is very fun, and that he has won an award for his work. He then tells her about his wife's family, and about his brother's marriage. He says that they are very close, but they are not like each other. He tells his wife that he is tired, and he will send her home.
In this short scene, Hirokazu's friend, Hinata, and her husband, Hiroyuki, are having lunch at a cafe. Hinata tells her husband that she has a patient who has cancelled her appointment with the doctor, and Hiroyuki tells her that he will see her next week. Hiroyuki then tells Hinata that his wife has gone back to work, but that there are still no customers at the cafe. When Hinata asks if there is a rubber band for her to tie her hair up, she is told that it is for giving to children who come to the salon to get their hair scrunched up. She also tells him that her husband has no luck getting women to come to his salon. He was a student at an all-boy's school, she says, and she was very sur-prescribed when he brought her to live with him and his wife. She then tells him about her brother, who is a bit older than she is, and how they do not get along very well. When she asks him if he is married, he says that his family is very fun, and that he has won an award for his work. He then tells her about his wife's family, and about his brother's marriage. He says that they are very close, but they are not like each other. He tells his wife that he is tired, and he will send her home.