The Love Of Shadow Hinata • Chapter 29 • Page ik-page-4583346
Chapter 29
This is a locked chapterChapter 29
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a chirp from the sun. It's 8:05 in the morning, and Hinata has arrived at her house. She's dressed in her boyfriend's clothes, but she doesn't want to take him to the bath room, so she leaves him in the dark. He's worried about what to do with himself, since he's in the middle of a sexual encounter with another woman. He asks her if she wants him to take her to the bathroom, and she says no, but he can't take her there because she's getting dressed for bed. He looks at his shirt, which is the "boyfriend shirt" , and wonders why she didn't tell him more about what's going on. He also wonders if they're getting ready to have sex, since they look like they've just bought a new pair of clothes. He decides to wait until his clothes are dry, and then he'll go home and have sex with her. He thinks about running away with her, but then he realizes that it's impossible, because he isn't "huffing" her, and so he runs away. He runs back to his room, where he hides in the bushes until he hears someone calling from the other side of the room. He calls for help, but the other guy is already gone. He
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The Love Of Shadow Hinata • Chapter 29 • Page ik-page-4583346
Chapter 29
This is a locked chapterChapter 29
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a chirp from the sun. It's 8:05 in the morning, and Hinata has arrived at her house. She's dressed in her boyfriend's clothes, but she doesn't want to take him to the bath room, so she leaves him in the dark. He's worried about what to do with himself, since he's in the middle of a sexual encounter with another woman. He asks her if she wants him to take her to the bathroom, and she says no, but he can't take her there because she's getting dressed for bed. He looks at his shirt, which is the "boyfriend shirt" , and wonders why she didn't tell him more about what's going on. He also wonders if they're getting ready to have sex, since they look like they've just bought a new pair of clothes. He decides to wait until his clothes are dry, and then he'll go home and have sex with her. He thinks about running away with her, but then he realizes that it's impossible, because he isn't "huffing" her, and so he runs away. He runs back to his room, where he hides in the bushes until he hears someone calling from the other side of the room. He calls for help, but the other guy is already gone. He
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