"The Love of Shadow Hinata" The narrator apologizes to Hiroyuki for his inability to answer his phone call. He tells Hiroyuki to come over to his house so that he can answer the call. Hiroyuki tells him that his family has brought a girl back from abroad and that he should not worry about it. He says that he will leave them alone to talk. The narrator says that everyone in his family is similar to him and that his home is a hairdresser's salon. He asks Hiroyuki if he can sleep some more, and Hiroyuki says that they can. He then asks if they can play a game of hide-and-seek with only two people. He is afraid that if one of them were to disappear, he would be the one to go.
"The Love of Shadow Hinata" The narrator apologizes to Hiroyuki for his inability to answer his phone call. He tells Hiroyuki to come over to his house so that he can answer the call. Hiroyuki tells him that his family has brought a girl back from abroad and that he should not worry about it. He says that he will leave them alone to talk. The narrator says that everyone in his family is similar to him and that his home is a hairdresser's salon. He asks Hiroyuki if he can sleep some more, and Hiroyuki says that they can. He then asks if they can play a game of hide-and-seek with only two people. He is afraid that if one of them were to disappear, he would be the one to go.