Stay With Me Even if It Was a Dream • Chapter 39 • Page ik-page-4816828
Chapter 39
This is a locked chapterChapter 39
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Shmoop introduces us to Selia, a young woman who is in love with the man she has just met. She is so excited to be with Selia that she wants to stay with him even if it means that he will have to stay away from her. She tells us that she has decided not to marry him because she wants him to be happy. She also says that she would like to have a ring as soon as they are married.
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Stay With Me Even if It Was a Dream • Chapter 39 • Page ik-page-4816828
Chapter 39
This is a locked chapterChapter 39
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Shmoop introduces us to Selia, a young woman who is in love with the man she has just met. She is so excited to be with Selia that she wants to stay with him even if it means that he will have to stay away from her. She tells us that she has decided not to marry him because she wants him to be happy. She also says that she would like to have a ring as soon as they are married.
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