"You can cum three more times, right ?" , says the narrator. He's referring to a woman who's been forced to have sex three times before her husband returns home. She's made to do it by her "scentile brother in law" . The narrator delivers a series of puns on the word "splutter" , which is a sexual slang term for "to suck" or "to squeeze." The women's dressing room is full of groans and moans as the narrator delivers his lines. He asks the woman if she'd like to "apologize" for the sex. The woman says yes, but she's not sure if she wants to go home or apologize for the "mean sorry" she just said. She asks the man to bring coffee to the room so she won't have to leave. The man says he'll bring coffee, too, but he doesn't know what to do if the woman says "some mean sorry too." The woman sighs and asks if she can apologize for "yes terday"
"You can cum three more times, right ?" , says the narrator. He's referring to a woman who's been forced to have sex three times before her husband returns home. She's made to do it by her "scentile brother in law" . The narrator delivers a series of puns on the word "splutter" , which is a sexual slang term for "to suck" or "to squeeze." The women's dressing room is full of groans and moans as the narrator delivers his lines. He asks the woman if she'd like to "apologize" for the sex. The woman says yes, but she's not sure if she wants to go home or apologize for the "mean sorry" she just said. She asks the man to bring coffee to the room so she won't have to leave. The man says he'll bring coffee, too, but he doesn't know what to do if the woman says "some mean sorry too." The woman sighs and asks if she can apologize for "yes terday"