Painful Dating • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-4012825
Painful Dating • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-4012613
Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterChapter 6
About This Chapter
In the convenience store where he works as a prostitute, a young man named "Jiowoo" confesses that he is in love with another woman named "Bomi" . The young man, who goes by the name "na jiwoo" , wants to go out with the girl, but the girl's name is "swish scratch ah," which means "she's got a confession." He tells the girl that he received a confession from "bomi" and that she called him out of fear of a drunk customer who was "creating a ruckus." He then tells her that she is free for the next day. He asks if there is anything else he needs besides her number, and the girl says that she does not need it. He then asks if "woong-hee" is coming out to see her, and she tells him that she will. He says that he doesn't want to lie to her anymore, so he's going to tell her the truth. He also says that bomi seems interested in him, so she'll "get hurt" for sure. He wants to pay the girl to join his table, and he says that once he starts working as a translator, he'll earn more money than what the store pays. The girl laughs and says that there are so many guys in the store who look like him. She asks if he was interested in "the other tables" when he was in the bathroom. He replies that he just came for free drinks. He tells her to "nudge" which one of the other guys she likes, and then says that "nothing much" has happened tonight. He goes on to say that things may not work out between bomi and "seul," and that "this is not the problem
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Painful Dating • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-4012825
Painful Dating • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-4012613
Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterChapter 6
About This Chapter
In the convenience store where he works as a prostitute, a young man named "Jiowoo" confesses that he is in love with another woman named "Bomi" . The young man, who goes by the name "na jiwoo" , wants to go out with the girl, but the girl's name is "swish scratch ah," which means "she's got a confession." He tells the girl that he received a confession from "bomi" and that she called him out of fear of a drunk customer who was "creating a ruckus." He then tells her that she is free for the next day. He asks if there is anything else he needs besides her number, and the girl says that she does not need it. He then asks if "woong-hee" is coming out to see her, and she tells him that she will. He says that he doesn't want to lie to her anymore, so he's going to tell her the truth. He also says that bomi seems interested in him, so she'll "get hurt" for sure. He wants to pay the girl to join his table, and he says that once he starts working as a translator, he'll earn more money than what the store pays. The girl laughs and says that there are so many guys in the store who look like him. She asks if he was interested in "the other tables" when he was in the bathroom. He replies that he just came for free drinks. He tells her to "nudge" which one of the other guys she likes, and then says that "nothing much" has happened tonight. He goes on to say that things may not work out between bomi and "seul," and that "this is not the problem
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