Painful Dating • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-4012823
Painful Dating • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-4012603
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that Bomi is freaking out because she's worried that her son-in-law is going to get into a fight with a drunk customer. He tells her to calm down, because he's just trying to help her out of a sticky situation. Bomi tells him to apologize, but he doesn't. Instead, he shows her the back of his neck. He's trying to give her a special massage, but it's not suited to her taste. She asks him to stop, and he does. She tells him that she'd never thought that she would be hurting others, and that he should stop now. He says he'll stop now, and she tells him not to tell Seul about what happened. She says that if Seul finds out, she won't be able to see him anymore, and if he does, she'll have to leave the convenience store. She also says that when this happened to her last time, she couldn't protect her, because she was afraid that the drunkard would leave on his own, so she called Seul first. She wants Seul to do what he did today, even though he wasn't like the other customers.
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Painful Dating • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-4012823
Painful Dating • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-4012603
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that Bomi is freaking out because she's worried that her son-in-law is going to get into a fight with a drunk customer. He tells her to calm down, because he's just trying to help her out of a sticky situation. Bomi tells him to apologize, but he doesn't. Instead, he shows her the back of his neck. He's trying to give her a special massage, but it's not suited to her taste. She asks him to stop, and he does. She tells him that she'd never thought that she would be hurting others, and that he should stop now. He says he'll stop now, and she tells him not to tell Seul about what happened. She says that if Seul finds out, she won't be able to see him anymore, and if he does, she'll have to leave the convenience store. She also says that when this happened to her last time, she couldn't protect her, because she was afraid that the drunkard would leave on his own, so she called Seul first. She wants Seul to do what he did today, even though he wasn't like the other customers.
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