The Failed Heiress • Chapter 41 • Page ik-page-4455473
The Failed Heiress • Chapter 41 • Page ik-page-4455474
The Failed Heiress • Chapter 41 • Page ik-page-4455475
The Failed Heiress • Chapter 41 • Page ik-page-4455476
Chapter 41
This is a locked chapterChapter 41
About This Chapter
The narrator opens the chapter by saying that there is nothing to be sad about. He tells us that he thought he was sleeping at Senior's house, but that he was delayed for a day. He says that he thinks that Senior is the boss, and that it has been a while since they have been sleeping together. The narrator says that the bastard did not touch him, but the innocent words hurt more than "blatant swear words" . The dog tries to understand the narrator's feelings, but he says that it is still a "strong suspicion" that Kim Eunjae is the father of the boy. He also says that Kim Deokhyung does not see women as "human" and that he does not "see women as human" , which is "way more disgusting" than he imagined. Kim says that she is at his house now and that she needs to "cut him off first" because he will contact her within an hour. He goes on to say that he will go get his things now and send a message to Senior saying that he is worried about where he is. He then says that since he is a "flawed human being," he is going to throw away everything that he has given her. He asks her if she thinks she has been leading him on while ripping him off as she pleases. She says that something went well, and he made fun of her. She asks him if he knows that Kim is forced to "date kim bona" to save her.
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The Failed Heiress • Chapter 41 • Page ik-page-4455473
The Failed Heiress • Chapter 41 • Page ik-page-4455474
The Failed Heiress • Chapter 41 • Page ik-page-4455475
The Failed Heiress • Chapter 41 • Page ik-page-4455476
Chapter 41
This is a locked chapterChapter 41
About This Chapter
The narrator opens the chapter by saying that there is nothing to be sad about. He tells us that he thought he was sleeping at Senior's house, but that he was delayed for a day. He says that he thinks that Senior is the boss, and that it has been a while since they have been sleeping together. The narrator says that the bastard did not touch him, but the innocent words hurt more than "blatant swear words" . The dog tries to understand the narrator's feelings, but he says that it is still a "strong suspicion" that Kim Eunjae is the father of the boy. He also says that Kim Deokhyung does not see women as "human" and that he does not "see women as human" , which is "way more disgusting" than he imagined. Kim says that she is at his house now and that she needs to "cut him off first" because he will contact her within an hour. He goes on to say that he will go get his things now and send a message to Senior saying that he is worried about where he is. He then says that since he is a "flawed human being," he is going to throw away everything that he has given her. He asks her if she thinks she has been leading him on while ripping him off as she pleases. She says that something went well, and he made fun of her. She asks him if he knows that Kim is forced to "date kim bona" to save her.
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