In this short scene, Desdemona tells the audience that she is the only love of hers. She tells them that she has been deceived by a woman named grilias, who has seduced her with the promise of eternal life in exchange for her beauty. For the past hundred years, she has killed countless innocents so that she can drain their blood to gain their beauty. Her sin has slowly accumulated, and she has chosen to let her lover live rather than risk his life in order to save her. This is a very serious matter, she says, but she will not let it get out of hand. She asks the audience if they are surprised that she chose to sacrifice herself for the sake of others. She says that if she were to choose what would she choose, she would choose death, because she loves her.
In this short scene, Desdemona tells the audience that she is the only love of hers. She tells them that she has been deceived by a woman named grilias, who has seduced her with the promise of eternal life in exchange for her beauty. For the past hundred years, she has killed countless innocents so that she can drain their blood to gain their beauty. Her sin has slowly accumulated, and she has chosen to let her lover live rather than risk his life in order to save her. This is a very serious matter, she says, but she will not let it get out of hand. She asks the audience if they are surprised that she chose to sacrifice herself for the sake of others. She says that if she were to choose what would she choose, she would choose death, because she loves her.