The next morning, the Governess receives a letter from Eustacia. The Governess is surprised to find that the letter is addressed to Ga-Eul, who is an orphan. She is also surprised to learn that Ga-Elon has no father and that she is an outcast. She decides to stay at the house for a while longer. She tells Ga- Elon that he is last in the line of succession to the position of Governess. He tells her that he has no money left and that he will be hit if he does not leave the house. He says that he wants to stay with them a little longer so that he can care for the garden and to get closer to the flowers. He also says that she will clean the kitchen with him. He asks her to take charge of the garden, and she agrees to do so. He then asks her why she is fighting over household chores. She replies that she does not know that she cannot cook. He wants to be with her, he says, and he wants her to be careful. He wonders why he has to wait so long for her to open the door.
The next morning, the Governess receives a letter from Eustacia. The Governess is surprised to find that the letter is addressed to Ga-Eul, who is an orphan. She is also surprised to learn that Ga-Elon has no father and that she is an outcast. She decides to stay at the house for a while longer. She tells Ga- Elon that he is last in the line of succession to the position of Governess. He tells her that he has no money left and that he will be hit if he does not leave the house. He says that he wants to stay with them a little longer so that he can care for the garden and to get closer to the flowers. He also says that she will clean the kitchen with him. He asks her to take charge of the garden, and she agrees to do so. He then asks her why she is fighting over household chores. She replies that she does not know that she cannot cook. He wants to be with her, he says, and he wants her to be careful. He wonders why he has to wait so long for her to open the door.