The next morning, the young master complains that his wife has been confined in the dark for the past week. He tells his uncle that the punishment is a slight one, but that he will not allow the marriage to be annulled. The uncle tells him that the family has been watching the marriage closely, and that the paparazzi have been following her wherever she goes. He says that if the family were to allow the divorce, he would give it to them. He then tells the uncle that he has recorded what he promised for the divorce in his head and plans to send it to the family in a month.
The next morning, the young master complains that his wife has been confined in the dark for the past week. He tells his uncle that the punishment is a slight one, but that he will not allow the marriage to be annulled. The uncle tells him that the family has been watching the marriage closely, and that the paparazzi have been following her wherever she goes. He says that if the family were to allow the divorce, he would give it to them. He then tells the uncle that he has recorded what he promised for the divorce in his head and plans to send it to the family in a month.