Don’t Touch Me!

Don’t Touch Me! • Season 2 Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-4607540
Don’t Touch Me! • Season 2 Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-4598708
Don’t Touch Me! • Season 2 Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-4598709
Don’t Touch Me! • Season 2 Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-4598710
Season 2 Chapter 35
This is a locked chapterSeason 2 Chapter 35
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the princess is married to a man named Dongchang, who is also a member of the military. The two men have formed an alliance to protect the princess, and the princess has given birth to the child of the eunuch. When the doctor asks if the child is his, the princess replies that it is. The doctor tells the princess that he is too young and too impetuous to think things through in times of danger, but he has one condition: he must keep the princess's distance if he wants to protect her from the spies. He says that if the beidi find out about him and his wife, they will find them out right away. He adds that he has been a soldier for four years, so he must not be a stranger to the brothel. He asks if he can play music for the concert, but the doctor says that he cannot because his wife likes to flirt with people. He then asks if there are any other foreigners in the brothel, and he is told that they are foreigners who have just arrived. He tells the doctor that if he needs anything, he will be at his service
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Don’t Touch Me!

Don’t Touch Me! • Season 2 Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-4607540
Don’t Touch Me! • Season 2 Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-4598708
Don’t Touch Me! • Season 2 Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-4598709
Don’t Touch Me! • Season 2 Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-4598710
Season 2 Chapter 35
This is a locked chapterSeason 2 Chapter 35
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the princess is married to a man named Dongchang, who is also a member of the military. The two men have formed an alliance to protect the princess, and the princess has given birth to the child of the eunuch. When the doctor asks if the child is his, the princess replies that it is. The doctor tells the princess that he is too young and too impetuous to think things through in times of danger, but he has one condition: he must keep the princess's distance if he wants to protect her from the spies. He says that if the beidi find out about him and his wife, they will find them out right away. He adds that he has been a soldier for four years, so he must not be a stranger to the brothel. He asks if he can play music for the concert, but the doctor says that he cannot because his wife likes to flirt with people. He then asks if there are any other foreigners in the brothel, and he is told that they are foreigners who have just arrived. He tells the doctor that if he needs anything, he will be at his service
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