The next morning, the Governess complains to herself about the way she got home last night. She's worried that she's going to see her boss, Tsuji, every day, and she wonders if he's having an affair with her. The Governess is worried because she doesn't like to be teased. She tells herself to be careful not to be too close to the guy, because he'll make fun of her. She also tells herself that she should be careful about getting too close, because she'll get teased when she gets home.
The next morning, the Governess complains to herself about the way she got home last night. She's worried that she's going to see her boss, Tsuji, every day, and she wonders if he's having an affair with her. The Governess is worried because she doesn't like to be teased. She tells herself to be careful not to be too close to the guy, because he'll make fun of her. She also tells herself that she should be careful about getting too close, because she'll get teased when she gets home.