The narrator wakes up in the middle of the night to find that he has just had a dream about a guy named Jiang Ziyi. He's worried that something's wrong with him, but he doesn't know what's going on. The narrator's mom comes in and tells him to be careful, because she's had a similar dream. She warns the narrator not to act like he's having a dream, because it's not a dream at all. The mom tells the narrator to wake up, because the guy's got a lot of features that make him look a little more handsome than he actually is. She also tells him that a girl named xiayijie has seen a video of the guy leading a dance, and she thinks that the guy seems to be a bad guy at dealing with women. She tells the young narrator to accept her handmade fans, because there's something about the guy that she likes.
The narrator wakes up in the middle of the night to find that he has just had a dream about a guy named Jiang Ziyi. He's worried that something's wrong with him, but he doesn't know what's going on. The narrator's mom comes in and tells him to be careful, because she's had a similar dream. She warns the narrator not to act like he's having a dream, because it's not a dream at all. The mom tells the narrator to wake up, because the guy's got a lot of features that make him look a little more handsome than he actually is. She also tells him that a girl named xiayijie has seen a video of the guy leading a dance, and she thinks that the guy seems to be a bad guy at dealing with women. She tells the young narrator to accept her handmade fans, because there's something about the guy that she likes.