Gentle Treatment

Gentle Treatment • Chapter 142 • Page ik-page-4390924
Chapter 142
This is a locked chapterChapter 142
About This Chapter
When Duan-chao leaves the fruit shop, Ming tries to stop him, but he's not having it. He's got a burn on his hand, and he doesn't know what to do. He tells Ming to go back to the hospital, where he'll find out what's going on. Ming tells him to take it easy, because it's all a misunderstanding, and that's it. Ming asks where he thinks his brother is, and Ming says he thinks he is in the hospital because of the burns on his hands. The owner of the grocery store tells Ming that the apple is really good, but it still makes Ming feel a little unjust, so he gives it to his brother.
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Gentle Treatment

Gentle Treatment • Chapter 142 • Page ik-page-4390924
Chapter 142
This is a locked chapterChapter 142
About This Chapter
When Duan-chao leaves the fruit shop, Ming tries to stop him, but he's not having it. He's got a burn on his hand, and he doesn't know what to do. He tells Ming to go back to the hospital, where he'll find out what's going on. Ming tells him to take it easy, because it's all a misunderstanding, and that's it. Ming asks where he thinks his brother is, and Ming says he thinks he is in the hospital because of the burns on his hands. The owner of the grocery store tells Ming that the apple is really good, but it still makes Ming feel a little unjust, so he gives it to his brother.
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