The pirates are about to attack the island, and the chief of the island tells the pirates to hurry up and give the chief some money and supplies so that he won't be hurt. The chief says that the pirates became pirates because they're poor, and that's why they became pirates in the first place. He says that robbing poor people is cowardice and incompetence, and he suggests that they should rob the mainland, the largest island in the world, so that they'll be able to expand their horizons and learn more about life on the mainland. The island is full of tropical fruits and vegetables, so the pirates can't really fight back against the island's strong forces. The big brother says that he knows martial arts, so he's going to help the pirates defeat the pirates, and then he'll leave to look for his partner. But the big brother doesn't want to take any chances, and says that only "shaolin monks" can save the island from the pirates. He's not a monk, but he knows how to use martial arts. The pirates mistook him for a monk and thought he was going to fight them, but since he isn't one, they'd have to run away with him tomorrow.
The pirates are about to attack the island, and the chief of the island tells the pirates to hurry up and give the chief some money and supplies so that he won't be hurt. The chief says that the pirates became pirates because they're poor, and that's why they became pirates in the first place. He says that robbing poor people is cowardice and incompetence, and he suggests that they should rob the mainland, the largest island in the world, so that they'll be able to expand their horizons and learn more about life on the mainland. The island is full of tropical fruits and vegetables, so the pirates can't really fight back against the island's strong forces. The big brother says that he knows martial arts, so he's going to help the pirates defeat the pirates, and then he'll leave to look for his partner. But the big brother doesn't want to take any chances, and says that only "shaolin monks" can save the island from the pirates. He's not a monk, but he knows how to use martial arts. The pirates mistook him for a monk and thought he was going to fight them, but since he isn't one, they'd have to run away with him tomorrow.