Now that she's out of prison, Peto is ready to go back to his old ways. He's got a new plan: he's going to sneak into Peto's bedroom and find a bottle of magical liquid that Peto has been using to keep her company. Peto can't believe how fast the spell has gone: he was in the garbage dump when it happened, and now that it's gone, something must've happened to Peto under her spell. Now, he realizes, he'll have to do something drastic to get her back.
Now that she's out of prison, Peto is ready to go back to his old ways. He's got a new plan: he's going to sneak into Peto's bedroom and find a bottle of magical liquid that Peto has been using to keep her company. Peto can't believe how fast the spell has gone: he was in the garbage dump when it happened, and now that it's gone, something must've happened to Peto under her spell. Now, he realizes, he'll have to do something drastic to get her back.