The Governess and the Governess's servant, Darren, bring snacks and a new game for the girls to play before they begin their assignment. Darren asks the girls if they would like to play a game before they start, but they refuse, saying that they don't want to spend too much time on the assignment. When Darren suggests that they go to the Princess's room to play, the girls agree, but then they realize that they haven't finished the assignment and need to switch places. They decide to stay over for the night, but Darren is too tired to walk home
The Governess and the Governess's servant, Darren, bring snacks and a new game for the girls to play before they begin their assignment. Darren asks the girls if they would like to play a game before they start, but they refuse, saying that they don't want to spend too much time on the assignment. When Darren suggests that they go to the Princess's room to play, the girls agree, but then they realize that they haven't finished the assignment and need to switch places. They decide to stay over for the night, but Darren is too tired to walk home