You Owe Me

You Owe Me • Chapter 48 • Page ik-page-3079853
You Owe Me • Chapter 48 • Page ik-page-3079854
Chapter 48
This is a locked chapterChapter 48
About This Chapter
The cops are called to the bar, and the owner of the bar tries to get the cops to let him in, but the cops won't let him into the building. The owner tells the cops that he's just going to take a shower, and then he'll come back and tell them what's going on. The cops don't believe him, and they threaten to call the cops if he doesn't come back. The bar owner says that he just wants to go home, and that's when the cops show up. He's the one who brought Yu-Chen in, and now he can't even get out of the building without
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You Owe Me

You Owe Me • Chapter 48 • Page ik-page-3079853
You Owe Me • Chapter 48 • Page ik-page-3079854
Chapter 48
This is a locked chapterChapter 48
About This Chapter
The cops are called to the bar, and the owner of the bar tries to get the cops to let him in, but the cops won't let him into the building. The owner tells the cops that he's just going to take a shower, and then he'll come back and tell them what's going on. The cops don't believe him, and they threaten to call the cops if he doesn't come back. The bar owner says that he just wants to go home, and that's when the cops show up. He's the one who brought Yu-Chen in, and now he can't even get out of the building without
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