You Owe Me

You Owe Me • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-1992548
You Owe Me • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-1992535
Chapter 21
This is a locked chapterChapter 21
About This Chapter
The narrator tells the gang that they're all grown up and that they need to deal with their own problems, but that if they really run into problems, they can't really resolve them. He tells them that he knows that they all care a lot but that they don't express it well enough. He knows that if his personality were as good as theirs, he'd feel a lot better about himself. The narrator then tells the others that he's lost his temper, too. He asks why they haven't picked up the phone, and they tell him that it's not the disgusting way they've said it. They also tell him to tell Chen to try to attend to the exam, but he doesn't know why he hasn't responded to his messages. He says that after he left his house on Sunday, why didn't
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You Owe Me

You Owe Me • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-1992548
You Owe Me • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-1992535
Chapter 21
This is a locked chapterChapter 21
About This Chapter
The narrator tells the gang that they're all grown up and that they need to deal with their own problems, but that if they really run into problems, they can't really resolve them. He tells them that he knows that they all care a lot but that they don't express it well enough. He knows that if his personality were as good as theirs, he'd feel a lot better about himself. The narrator then tells the others that he's lost his temper, too. He asks why they haven't picked up the phone, and they tell him that it's not the disgusting way they've said it. They also tell him to tell Chen to try to attend to the exam, but he doesn't know why he hasn't responded to his messages. He says that after he left his house on Sunday, why didn't
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