This is the second in a series of two-part stories that follow the adventures of a young man named Barnett. The first part of the story takes place on a date in June of last year, when Barnett was with a friend, and the second part takes place in July of this year. Barnett tells the young man that he is mistaken for the man who cathed his eye. He tells him that the man's eyes are very pretty, and that he can clearly see them. He then goes on to say that he has seen similar eyes in other young men, but that they are not picked on until they are older. He says that he does not know why, but he does know that when he is younger, he is picked on for certain things, such as his eyes. He adds that the only thing that happens is that the habit of staring at the same thing becomes a habit, and when the habit is picked up, it becomes an obsession. He also says that after hearing
This is the second in a series of two-part stories that follow the adventures of a young man named Barnett. The first part of the story takes place on a date in June of last year, when Barnett was with a friend, and the second part takes place in July of this year. Barnett tells the young man that he is mistaken for the man who cathed his eye. He tells him that the man's eyes are very pretty, and that he can clearly see them. He then goes on to say that he has seen similar eyes in other young men, but that they are not picked on until they are older. He says that he does not know why, but he does know that when he is younger, he is picked on for certain things, such as his eyes. He adds that the only thing that happens is that the habit of staring at the same thing becomes a habit, and when the habit is picked up, it becomes an obsession. He also says that after hearing