Alice In Wonderland

Alice In Wonderland • Vol.1 Chapter 3: The Blind Leading The Blind • Page ik-page-32752
Alice In Wonderland • Vol.1 Chapter 3: The Blind Leading The Blind • Page ik-page-32753
Alice In Wonderland • Vol.1 Chapter 3: The Blind Leading The Blind • Page ik-page-32754
Alice In Wonderland • Vol.1 Chapter 3: The Blind Leading The Blind • Page ik-page-32755
Vol.1 Chapter 3: The Blind Leading The Blind
This is a locked chapterVol.1 Chapter 3: The Blind Leading The Blind
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we are introduced to a new character named "Alice" . We are told that she is a young woman who has a dream in which she pretends to be a young girl named "Barbecue" , and that she has a crush on the young man named "Jabberwocky." We are also told that this is the first time that we have heard of "alice," and we are also introduced to her father-in-law, the King of Spain . The King tells us that he has won the battle against "the jabberwoocky," and that he will continue to fight him until "that is not me." The King asks the young woman if she is the "right alice," but she says that she does not think so, and the King tells her that she would be ashamed of herself if she were "little imposter," a term used to refer to a person who is not a real person. He tells her to go to the King's house and collect "little tadpoles" on toast points "almost as much as I love caviar." He then tells her not to worry, as he has "little ones" to look after, and he will take care of her. He asks the King if he has been "hiding" in the "oraculum," and he tells him that it looks "so ordinary for a oracle." He tells the King to look at the "tarnished mess of hair" on the "frabjous day" and to find "the human girl" and "earn your freedom" for his wife and children. He then asks the king to bind the "bander," the "snatcher," and the "harlequin," for him. He says that he wants to "wake up" from the dream, and
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Alice In Wonderland

Alice In Wonderland • Vol.1 Chapter 3: The Blind Leading The Blind • Page ik-page-32752
Alice In Wonderland • Vol.1 Chapter 3: The Blind Leading The Blind • Page ik-page-32753
Alice In Wonderland • Vol.1 Chapter 3: The Blind Leading The Blind • Page ik-page-32754
Alice In Wonderland • Vol.1 Chapter 3: The Blind Leading The Blind • Page ik-page-32755
Vol.1 Chapter 3: The Blind Leading The Blind
This is a locked chapterVol.1 Chapter 3: The Blind Leading The Blind
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we are introduced to a new character named "Alice" . We are told that she is a young woman who has a dream in which she pretends to be a young girl named "Barbecue" , and that she has a crush on the young man named "Jabberwocky." We are also told that this is the first time that we have heard of "alice," and we are also introduced to her father-in-law, the King of Spain . The King tells us that he has won the battle against "the jabberwoocky," and that he will continue to fight him until "that is not me." The King asks the young woman if she is the "right alice," but she says that she does not think so, and the King tells her that she would be ashamed of herself if she were "little imposter," a term used to refer to a person who is not a real person. He tells her to go to the King's house and collect "little tadpoles" on toast points "almost as much as I love caviar." He then tells her not to worry, as he has "little ones" to look after, and he will take care of her. He asks the King if he has been "hiding" in the "oraculum," and he tells him that it looks "so ordinary for a oracle." He tells the King to look at the "tarnished mess of hair" on the "frabjous day" and to find "the human girl" and "earn your freedom" for his wife and children. He then asks the king to bind the "bander," the "snatcher," and the "harlequin," for him. He says that he wants to "wake up" from the dream, and
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