This is a locked chapterChapter 15: J.K. on the Move
About This Chapter
In 1793, the Governess is on her way to school when she encounters Nuengsayam, the boxing champion. The Governess tells him that he is free to look for his self in the dossier she has compiled about the girl's attendance at school in the city. The monk tells her that he has no mission there, but that after the past few years of fighting, the police and the media have become more suspicious of him. He says that at school, he will be under the public gaze, but most importantly he will gain the respect and admiration of the highest class of society. He adds that he will study hard, forget his warrior duties, and gain someone the edge he needs right now. He tells Nuengseyam that if he were to kill him, he would say that he was 16 years old and that he would kill him if he spoke to him. Nuengssayam says that he does not have to worry about his old age, because he looks like he is in his element. He reminds Nuengsensayam that ten years ago, he killed his father and threw him in prison. Nuensayam tells him to go ahead and kill him.