Unyoung and Yonhap discuss the food they've just eaten. Unyoung says he's going to take the food to his pal Dongwoo. Yonhap says that the food is good, but that they ran out of the stuff. He's not sure how the food will taste, but he loves it. He says that he'll use the food as an excuse to go to his friend's house to get some more food. He doesn't want anyone to steal his food, and he says he won't be able to forgive anyone who stole his food. The two men discuss the upcoming movie, which has been delayed because of an accident.
Unyoung and Yonhap discuss the food they've just eaten. Unyoung says he's going to take the food to his pal Dongwoo. Yonhap says that the food is good, but that they ran out of the stuff. He's not sure how the food will taste, but he loves it. He says that he'll use the food as an excuse to go to his friend's house to get some more food. He doesn't want anyone to steal his food, and he says he won't be able to forgive anyone who stole his food. The two men discuss the upcoming movie, which has been delayed because of an accident.