The Governess and the Governess's servant, named Sera, are on their way back to the house when Sera asks if they've met before. Sera says that he's happy to be their servant and that he looks forward to working for them. He asks if she's ever worked for Masaomi, and she says that she has worked for him for about two years now. She says that when she was a little girl, he was seriously wounded and lost his memory, so she took him in and let him live with her. She doesn't know who he is, but she thinks that if he is azai, he'll have a scar all over his face. She asks him to lift her hair and let her see her face, and he says that it's just as he thought it would be. He's sorry that she looks ugly, but he says he knows who she is. He says he wants her to remember him.
The Governess and the Governess's servant, named Sera, are on their way back to the house when Sera asks if they've met before. Sera says that he's happy to be their servant and that he looks forward to working for them. He asks if she's ever worked for Masaomi, and she says that she has worked for him for about two years now. She says that when she was a little girl, he was seriously wounded and lost his memory, so she took him in and let him live with her. She doesn't know who he is, but she thinks that if he is azai, he'll have a scar all over his face. She asks him to lift her hair and let her see her face, and he says that it's just as he thought it would be. He's sorry that she looks ugly, but he says he knows who she is. He says he wants her to remember him.