Kiss You & Fuck You • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-5158485
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a kiss between Viola and Viola's lover, who has just returned from a trip to the spa. Viola tells her lover that she's feeling a little twitchy, and she begs him to give her some rest. Viola says she'll get back to him later, but first, she wants to tell him that she had a fever the night before, and that she doesn't want to get sick. Viola asks him if he's okay, and he says that he is, but that he'll have to stay up all night. Viola wants to know if they're going to have sex again, but she can't figure out how to get him to do it. She tells him that they've been avoiding each other, and now she feels like
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Kiss You & Fuck You • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-5158485
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a kiss between Viola and Viola's lover, who has just returned from a trip to the spa. Viola tells her lover that she's feeling a little twitchy, and she begs him to give her some rest. Viola says she'll get back to him later, but first, she wants to tell him that she had a fever the night before, and that she doesn't want to get sick. Viola asks him if he's okay, and he says that he is, but that he'll have to stay up all night. Viola wants to know if they're going to have sex again, but she can't figure out how to get him to do it. She tells him that they've been avoiding each other, and now she feels like
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