Kiss You & Fuck You • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-5158482
Kiss You & Fuck You • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-5156854
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
The scene opens with the narrator lamenting the fact that he is nearing the end of his "third summer together" . He complains that he has been working all day and is tired. He tells his friend, who is in charge of cooking dinner, to chill the eggs before he goes to sit down with his friends. The two men begin to argue about the hot weather, and the narrator suggests that they drink some beer to cool off. The men agree to do so, but the narrator complains about the taste of the beer. He wonders if it will make him feel better, and he complains about how much he has to drink to stay warm. He then complains about his friend's tendency to "swoop" and "prank" the beer, and complains that the beer has a "ound sexual less sexual enhance ment drink" , which he thinks will "affect my body . . will it . affect my body." The men begin arguing again, and this time the narrator accuses his friend of trying to "take care of it" by taking care of himself. He asks why he is "trying to take care" of himself when he
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Kiss You & Fuck You • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-5158482
Kiss You & Fuck You • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-5156854
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
The scene opens with the narrator lamenting the fact that he is nearing the end of his "third summer together" . He complains that he has been working all day and is tired. He tells his friend, who is in charge of cooking dinner, to chill the eggs before he goes to sit down with his friends. The two men begin to argue about the hot weather, and the narrator suggests that they drink some beer to cool off. The men agree to do so, but the narrator complains about the taste of the beer. He wonders if it will make him feel better, and he complains about how much he has to drink to stay warm. He then complains about his friend's tendency to "swoop" and "prank" the beer, and complains that the beer has a "ound sexual less sexual enhance ment drink" , which he thinks will "affect my body . . will it . affect my body." The men begin arguing again, and this time the narrator accuses his friend of trying to "take care of it" by taking care of himself. He asks why he is "trying to take care" of himself when he
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