Cross-Cultural Sex • Chapter 22 • Page ik-page-5145331
Cross-Cultural Sex • Chapter 22 • Page ik-page-5136134
Chapter 22
This is a locked chapterChapter 22
About This Chapter
The chapter opens on the 10th floor of the Hotel de Ville in Paris. It's the last day of the party, and everyone's having a good time. Everyone's talking about how good the food was and how much fun it was to be there. One of the waiters brings back some coffee for everyone to drink. The waiter tells the waitress that he'd like to have some "cute blonde-haired nieces and nephews" with him. The waitress is all, "dude, he's not like that." The waiter says that the girl he brought with him to the party was crying when she realized that she was in love with a "horrid guy like you" . The girl says that she's been fighting with the guy since the first time they met, and that they've been fighting a lot since then. She calls him "mean" and he calls her a "slut." The waitress says that her dad told her to get away from her daughter, and she says that's what he said. The father says that he doesn't believe her, and he'll be mad if she lets him get away with it. The daughter says that it's her fault that she didn't tell her dad about the fight, and the father says she should've told him better. She says that if she hadn't told him, he wouldn't have said anything. The dad says he heard about her saying that "Japanese girls were easy to get" with, and so he wants her to leave the country. The sister says she misunderstood her father's words, and apologizes
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Cross-Cultural Sex • Chapter 22 • Page ik-page-5145331
Cross-Cultural Sex • Chapter 22 • Page ik-page-5136134
Chapter 22
This is a locked chapterChapter 22
About This Chapter
The chapter opens on the 10th floor of the Hotel de Ville in Paris. It's the last day of the party, and everyone's having a good time. Everyone's talking about how good the food was and how much fun it was to be there. One of the waiters brings back some coffee for everyone to drink. The waiter tells the waitress that he'd like to have some "cute blonde-haired nieces and nephews" with him. The waitress is all, "dude, he's not like that." The waiter says that the girl he brought with him to the party was crying when she realized that she was in love with a "horrid guy like you" . The girl says that she's been fighting with the guy since the first time they met, and that they've been fighting a lot since then. She calls him "mean" and he calls her a "slut." The waitress says that her dad told her to get away from her daughter, and she says that's what he said. The father says that he doesn't believe her, and he'll be mad if she lets him get away with it. The daughter says that it's her fault that she didn't tell her dad about the fight, and the father says she should've told him better. She says that if she hadn't told him, he wouldn't have said anything. The dad says he heard about her saying that "Japanese girls were easy to get" with, and so he wants her to leave the country. The sister says she misunderstood her father's words, and apologizes
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