Cross-Cultural Sex • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-5145301
Cross-Cultural Sex • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-5135771
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
The narrator arrives at the house, but he hasn't had a chance to meet the girl yet. He's heard that the girl is the same age as him, so he's going to check on her right away. The girl is in pain, and the narrator has to help her. He grabs the dirt bag and tells the girl to grab him. The dirt bag is the boy friend of the girl's old man, who calls him "Ellie." The girl doesn't believe him, and she tells him to stop calling her that. She also tells him that her real name is elliot, and her son is called "Elliot Ellie." She's shocked that her old man would call her that, but she's not sure why he would. She tells him not to call her "that," and he tells her to stop talking about him that way. The narrator is shocked that his old man is calling him that, and he says that he told him "to stop calling me that" . He tells her that he can't
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Cross-Cultural Sex • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-5145301
Cross-Cultural Sex • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-5135771
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
The narrator arrives at the house, but he hasn't had a chance to meet the girl yet. He's heard that the girl is the same age as him, so he's going to check on her right away. The girl is in pain, and the narrator has to help her. He grabs the dirt bag and tells the girl to grab him. The dirt bag is the boy friend of the girl's old man, who calls him "Ellie." The girl doesn't believe him, and she tells him to stop calling her that. She also tells him that her real name is elliot, and her son is called "Elliot Ellie." She's shocked that her old man would call her that, but she's not sure why he would. She tells him not to call her "that," and he tells her to stop talking about him that way. The narrator is shocked that his old man is calling him that, and he says that he told him "to stop calling me that" . He tells her that he can't
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