Cross-Cultural Sex • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-5145302
Cross-Cultural Sex • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-5135795
Chapter 3
This is a locked chapterChapter 3
About This Chapter
When the scene opens, we're introduced to Hong Kong's new love interest, Zoo. We learn that he's a bit of a twitchy guy, and that his eyelashes are "blonde" . What's more, Zoo's eyelashes are dripping wet from the kiss . Huh? Well, that's not a good sign. Zoo tries to squeeze a little more, but it doesn't work. He's so tired, he says, that he can't even play with the kiss. The kiss is so good, in fact, that it makes him feel like a "sleazeball" for the rest of the scene.
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Cross-Cultural Sex • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-5145302
Cross-Cultural Sex • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-5135795
Chapter 3
This is a locked chapterChapter 3
About This Chapter
When the scene opens, we're introduced to Hong Kong's new love interest, Zoo. We learn that he's a bit of a twitchy guy, and that his eyelashes are "blonde" . What's more, Zoo's eyelashes are dripping wet from the kiss . Huh? Well, that's not a good sign. Zoo tries to squeeze a little more, but it doesn't work. He's so tired, he says, that he can't even play with the kiss. The kiss is so good, in fact, that it makes him feel like a "sleazeball" for the rest of the scene.
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