Becoming Friends With Benefits Impulsively… Is Shameless and Lewd • Chapter 14 • Page ik-page-5157463
Chapter 14
This is a locked chapterChapter 14
About This Chapter
The next morning, the two of them discuss the previous night's sexual encounter. They realize that it was a fight between them, and that they should have waited until the next day to have sex. They also realize that they are friends with benefits, meaning that they have sex with one another. The two decide that they will not have sex again until the day of their next meeting.
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Becoming Friends With Benefits Impulsively… Is Shameless and Lewd • Chapter 14 • Page ik-page-5157463
Chapter 14
This is a locked chapterChapter 14
About This Chapter
The next morning, the two of them discuss the previous night's sexual encounter. They realize that it was a fight between them, and that they should have waited until the next day to have sex. They also realize that they are friends with benefits, meaning that they have sex with one another. The two decide that they will not have sex again until the day of their next meeting.
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