Becoming Friends With Benefits Impulsively… Is Shameless and Lewd • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-5157469
Chapter 13
This is a locked chapterChapter 13
About This Chapter
The narrator and his friend, Em, play a game of seduction. Em wants to know how Em can become friends with people who are "impulsively and lewdly" attracted to her. The two of them decide to test Em's knowledge of the art of seduction by asking her to give them an answer to the question, "What po sitio is this?" . When Em does not answer correctly, the narrator launches into a series of puns about the nature of sexual desire. He tells Em that he and Em have been playing sex games together for the past ten years, and that sex has become one of the "games" they have played. He says that he has never thought sex felt so good even once, but that with someone, it feels "reeeally good" . He asks Em if she would like to go out with him one day, and she says that she would love him even if he did not have a girlfriend. She tells him that she is always trying to get Em to "gether" that her little brother is "being taken away from" her. She asks him if he is feeling this way because he is "doing it busy" with his girlfriend. He replies that he is, because he feels like he is being "taken away" from his little brother.
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Becoming Friends With Benefits Impulsively… Is Shameless and Lewd • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-5157469
Chapter 13
This is a locked chapterChapter 13
About This Chapter
The narrator and his friend, Em, play a game of seduction. Em wants to know how Em can become friends with people who are "impulsively and lewdly" attracted to her. The two of them decide to test Em's knowledge of the art of seduction by asking her to give them an answer to the question, "What po sitio is this?" . When Em does not answer correctly, the narrator launches into a series of puns about the nature of sexual desire. He tells Em that he and Em have been playing sex games together for the past ten years, and that sex has become one of the "games" they have played. He says that he has never thought sex felt so good even once, but that with someone, it feels "reeeally good" . He asks Em if she would like to go out with him one day, and she says that she would love him even if he did not have a girlfriend. She tells him that she is always trying to get Em to "gether" that her little brother is "being taken away from" her. She asks him if he is feeling this way because he is "doing it busy" with his girlfriend. He replies that he is, because he feels like he is being "taken away" from his little brother.
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