Becoming Friends With Benefits Impulsively… Is Shameless and Lewd • Chapter 12 • Page ik-page-5111846
Chapter 12
This is a locked chapterChapter 12
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Shylock asks Shylock if he is satisfied with the kiss he has just received. Shylock tells him that he is not. He tells Shylock that he has lost his strength and is afraid that the cold water in the river is affecting him. He says that he had a good time with Shylock today, and that the kiss was like a "date" between them. He asks if Shylock means to "redo our time" in the past, but Shylock replies that he meant to "do it today, but you want it, right ! was me ! ! youta ! stop . . what ? You want it now? . you said you didnt plan on doing it today . Right ! yeah . I'll do this because it cant be helped" , he says. He adds that he stepped out of his boundary when he was just "your friend with benefits" and that he needs to make sure that Shylock supports himself with his "leg" so that he can "spit huff squelch . this feels good" . When Shylock realizes that this is not true, he exclaims that he cannot be friends with "bene fits"
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Becoming Friends With Benefits Impulsively… Is Shameless and Lewd • Chapter 12 • Page ik-page-5111846
Chapter 12
This is a locked chapterChapter 12
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Shylock asks Shylock if he is satisfied with the kiss he has just received. Shylock tells him that he is not. He tells Shylock that he has lost his strength and is afraid that the cold water in the river is affecting him. He says that he had a good time with Shylock today, and that the kiss was like a "date" between them. He asks if Shylock means to "redo our time" in the past, but Shylock replies that he meant to "do it today, but you want it, right ! was me ! ! youta ! stop . . what ? You want it now? . you said you didnt plan on doing it today . Right ! yeah . I'll do this because it cant be helped" , he says. He adds that he stepped out of his boundary when he was just "your friend with benefits" and that he needs to make sure that Shylock supports himself with his "leg" so that he can "spit huff squelch . this feels good" . When Shylock realizes that this is not true, he exclaims that he cannot be friends with "bene fits"
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