In this short scene, Zhengzhou students discuss the upcoming international mathematics competition and the possibility of entering the national team. Zhengzhou's top students will be rewarded by the city government, while those who achieve the highest scores in the competition will be invited to participate in the World Mathematical Union Competition, which will take place in Shanghai in October. The students discuss a new pair of shoes that they have just purchased, which they believe will help them prepare for the exam. They also discuss the fact that the exam will be similar to the Olympic Games, in that the questions are similar to those that will be asked in the real exam.
In this short scene, Zhengzhou students discuss the upcoming international mathematics competition and the possibility of entering the national team. Zhengzhou's top students will be rewarded by the city government, while those who achieve the highest scores in the competition will be invited to participate in the World Mathematical Union Competition, which will take place in Shanghai in October. The students discuss a new pair of shoes that they have just purchased, which they believe will help them prepare for the exam. They also discuss the fact that the exam will be similar to the Olympic Games, in that the questions are similar to those that will be asked in the real exam.