In this short scene, we learn that the family has just received a ceramic art exhibition, and that the work will soon be on display all over the city. Mika is thrilled, but she is also worried that her mother will get sick again. She tries to comfort her by reminding her that she can go outside and rustle up someone to call her mother, but the girl is too upset to do so. She tells her mother that she saw her father's screen on the way home from work, but that it was not her fault. She says that she should have told him that, but her father died before she could.
In this short scene, we learn that the family has just received a ceramic art exhibition, and that the work will soon be on display all over the city. Mika is thrilled, but she is also worried that her mother will get sick again. She tries to comfort her by reminding her that she can go outside and rustle up someone to call her mother, but the girl is too upset to do so. She tells her mother that she saw her father's screen on the way home from work, but that it was not her fault. She says that she should have told him that, but her father died before she could.