Think Only About Me… • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-5111659
Chapter 25
This is a locked chapterChapter 25
About This Chapter
It's Hiroyuki's 20th birthday, and he's on his way to celebrate with his buddy. He's excited because he hasn't been out on the road in a while, and the sea view makes him feel better. Hiroyuki and his buddy have booked a room at an inn for the night, and they're psyched to be there. They're also psyched to have an open-air bath, which makes them feel like they've just stepped into a giant movie set. They have a drink together, and it's time for Hiroyuki to celebrate his birthday.
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Think Only About Me… • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-5111659
Chapter 25
This is a locked chapterChapter 25
About This Chapter
It's Hiroyuki's 20th birthday, and he's on his way to celebrate with his buddy. He's excited because he hasn't been out on the road in a while, and the sea view makes him feel better. Hiroyuki and his buddy have booked a room at an inn for the night, and they're psyched to be there. They're also psyched to have an open-air bath, which makes them feel like they've just stepped into a giant movie set. They have a drink together, and it's time for Hiroyuki to celebrate his birthday.
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