Think Only About Me… • Chapter 15 • Page ik-page-5100642
Chapter 15
This is a locked chapterChapter 15
About This Chapter
The narrator asks the girl if she ate the rice balls the day before her wedding, and the girl says that she did. The narrator tells the girl that her father wanted to open a coffee shop, but that he had an illness that made it difficult for him to do so. The girl is excited to be able to work from home, and she tells the narrator that she will make the best of her situation. She tells the boy that she wants to be his wife, and he tells her that he will marry her when she is twenty-one.
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Think Only About Me… • Chapter 15 • Page ik-page-5100642
Chapter 15
This is a locked chapterChapter 15
About This Chapter
The narrator asks the girl if she ate the rice balls the day before her wedding, and the girl says that she did. The narrator tells the girl that her father wanted to open a coffee shop, but that he had an illness that made it difficult for him to do so. The girl is excited to be able to work from home, and she tells the narrator that she will make the best of her situation. She tells the boy that she wants to be his wife, and he tells her that he will marry her when she is twenty-one.
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