Think Only About Me… • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-5100512
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the young man and the young woman talk about their day at the shop. The young man tells the woman that he had a great day, and the woman tells him that it was a "sound design showing his style" . He also tells her that someone had brought him the usb stick he'd lost, and he apologizes for not coming to the shop earlier in the day. He says that he's going home to get some sleep, but he doesn't want to be late, so he rummages through his things and finds the seaweed salad. He loves it, and says he'll gladly eat it. He asks if he can go to the next day's fire works festival with her, and she says yes. He invites him to the festival, and they decide to go together. He's excited to be invited, but she says that she hasn't been wearing a gly in a long time, so she's not sure if he really wants to go with her. The two decide to walk around the festival grounds, but they're not sure how much fun they'll have.
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Think Only About Me… • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-5100512
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the young man and the young woman talk about their day at the shop. The young man tells the woman that he had a great day, and the woman tells him that it was a "sound design showing his style" . He also tells her that someone had brought him the usb stick he'd lost, and he apologizes for not coming to the shop earlier in the day. He says that he's going home to get some sleep, but he doesn't want to be late, so he rummages through his things and finds the seaweed salad. He loves it, and says he'll gladly eat it. He asks if he can go to the next day's fire works festival with her, and she says yes. He invites him to the festival, and they decide to go together. He's excited to be invited, but she says that she hasn't been wearing a gly in a long time, so she's not sure if he really wants to go with her. The two decide to walk around the festival grounds, but they're not sure how much fun they'll have.
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