The Governess and the Governess's servant, who is dressed as a servant, enter the room and greet each other. They are both excited to see each other, and they are pleased to see that they are both in love. They discuss how they would like to go to university together, but they are afraid that they will not be able to do so since they are not allowed to go on their own. They both agree that it would be better for them to be together, since they would not have to follow each other to the university. They also agree that they would enjoy each other's company, since there is someone else in the house that they have business with, and that person is not in love with either of them. When they are alone in the room, the
The Governess and the Governess's servant, who is dressed as a servant, enter the room and greet each other. They are both excited to see each other, and they are pleased to see that they are both in love. They discuss how they would like to go to university together, but they are afraid that they will not be able to do so since they are not allowed to go on their own. They both agree that it would be better for them to be together, since they would not have to follow each other to the university. They also agree that they would enjoy each other's company, since there is someone else in the house that they have business with, and that person is not in love with either of them. When they are alone in the room, the