Legend of Qiuluo I

Legend of Qiuluo I • Chapter 43 Part 1 • Page ik-page-4744417
Chapter 43 Part 1
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The heavenly eye is one of the most powerful supernatural powers in taoism. It can make people lose their will to resist. When the heavenly eye disappears, it is replaced by the devils eye, which is the same as the tap. This means that if you have just one eye, you can lose your will. This is why chengzi would have died if he had tried to kill his brother. He wonders how he could have let his brother die so easily.
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Legend of Qiuluo I

Legend of Qiuluo I • Chapter 43 Part 1 • Page ik-page-4744417
Chapter 43 Part 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 43 Part 1
About This Chapter
The heavenly eye is one of the most powerful supernatural powers in taoism. It can make people lose their will to resist. When the heavenly eye disappears, it is replaced by the devils eye, which is the same as the tap. This means that if you have just one eye, you can lose your will. This is why chengzi would have died if he had tried to kill his brother. He wonders how he could have let his brother die so easily.
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