Legend of Qiuluo I

Legend of Qiuluo I • Chapter 14 Part 2 • Page ik-page-4605423
Chapter 14 Part 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 14 Part 2
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with the sound of a blue flute, which is the same flute that was broken in the previous chapter. The flute's rhythm is different from that of the previous flute, but the sound is still the same. The sound of the flute is a sixth-level sound, which means that it is a six-star light. When the sound has been condensed, the light appears to be a sixth -level sound. The fairy tells her brother that he will be known as the genius level fairy when he goes out into the moonlight woodland. He also tells her that bao saved him from the sound spirit. He says that he remembers seeing her running towards him before he lost consciousness. He then tells the fairy that he is the only one who has remained with bao since the birth of qiuluo. He explains that there are many bao in the woodland, and that the pure energy of the air is denser than the real. He asks the fairy why she has come to the library, and the fairy tells him that she has discovered the secret of the sealed land. She then asks the boy why he has not driven the girl away. The boy says that since she discovered the place, he has been impolite in driving her away
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Legend of Qiuluo I

Legend of Qiuluo I • Chapter 14 Part 2 • Page ik-page-4605423
Chapter 14 Part 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 14 Part 2
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with the sound of a blue flute, which is the same flute that was broken in the previous chapter. The flute's rhythm is different from that of the previous flute, but the sound is still the same. The sound of the flute is a sixth-level sound, which means that it is a six-star light. When the sound has been condensed, the light appears to be a sixth -level sound. The fairy tells her brother that he will be known as the genius level fairy when he goes out into the moonlight woodland. He also tells her that bao saved him from the sound spirit. He says that he remembers seeing her running towards him before he lost consciousness. He then tells the fairy that he is the only one who has remained with bao since the birth of qiuluo. He explains that there are many bao in the woodland, and that the pure energy of the air is denser than the real. He asks the fairy why she has come to the library, and the fairy tells him that she has discovered the secret of the sealed land. She then asks the boy why he has not driven the girl away. The boy says that since she discovered the place, he has been impolite in driving her away
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